Announcement: From 01 February 2023, Billing And New Service Registration Will Be Handled By Moyanet.

Who are we?

Yohost is a champion African web hosting company offering reliable and secure web hosting solutions on both Linux and Windows servers.

Domains Managed
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Currently Active Clients
0 +
African Countries Served

why choose Yohost as your web hosting service provider?

Yohost was founded on some basic principles that define everything that we do. Our ethos from the beginning has been to deliver quality services backed up with excellent customer support.

Our customers are more than just numbers, and they deserve to be treated as the individuals they are. We believe that in your experience when dealing with us you should always receive friendly, personal and yet professional service.

yohost server
Secure Servers

Entry & access is controlled by electronic & biometric means, and final visual check through a system of airlocks & secured areas.

Dedicated Team

It’s an evolving story, one focused on evolving, delivering technical solutions to human problems and delivering best quality services.

yohost call center
Next-Level Support

Our support team is always available to provide support and assistance to keep your services up and running in tip top performance.